For many people, coffee can be a true saving grace on any given day. Nothing quite compares to the feeling of waking up, still groggy from a full night of sleep, and enjoying a delicious cup of coffee to jumpstart your morning. In many cases, coffee is the one thing that makes getting out of bed in the morning a lot more bearable. But with anything that tastes and feels so amazing, the question of “is it good for me?” will always linger.

Previously, scientific research has only pointed out the risks and negative effects of consuming too much caffeine on a daily basis. The main focus of these studies has been on how caffeine can keep you up late, increase your heart rate and blood pressure and, in some cases, increase anxiety levels. It is no wonder people are deterred from drinking coffee every morning.

However, recent studies have discovered that there are some key health benefits to coffee that have been vastly overlooked. These health benefits can range from increased mental performance to preventing serious life threatening conditions.

If you are feeling worried about your coffee addiction, take a minute to read about these lesser known health benefits.

1. Gives you more energy

You probably already knew that caffeine can make you feel physically more energetic and awake. But do you know why that is? Caffeine helps to block the effects of adenosine, a brain chemical that makes you feel tired and groggy. Drinking a cup of coffee can actually improve physical performance and endurance.

Caffeine increases adrenaline levels in your blood which prepares your body for physical activity. This can be very useful if you are trying to exercise more often. Having a big cup of coffee an hour before going on a run can make you feel more prepared for your workout.

2. Improves mental function

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that works in more than one way to make you feel energized and awake. When you drink a cup of coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream and then makes its way to the brain. This caffeine increases neuronal firing in the brain from neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. The increased firing of these neurotransmitters can positively affect our brains by helping to improve memory, reaction time, mood, and overall mental function. There is a good reason we often rely on coffee to get us through a long day of work. It can actually make us more alert!

3. Decreases risk of depression

Depression is a mental health disorder that can significantly impair daily life by causing those affected to be persistently depressed and lose interest in activities they previously loved to do. Many people drink coffee in the morning to temporarily improve their mood. But they might not know that drinking coffee could have long term positive effects on mental health.

Studies have found that coffee drinkers are less likely to experience depression in their lifetime. This could have to do with acids found in coffee that reduce inflammation of nerve cells found in people who experience depression. Due to this decreased risk of depression, scientists have also found that drinking coffee can potentially decrease the risk of suicide.

4. Contains nutrients

Coffee also contains nutrients that are good for your physical health. There are nutrients in coffee beans that will end up in your coffee even after brewing. Small amounts of vitamins such as B5, B3 and even potassium and magnesium can be found in coffee.

Coffee is also full of powerful antioxidants such as hydrocinnamic acids and polyphenols. These antioxidants play a powerful role in protecting your body from conditions and diseases caused by oxidative stress.

Furthermore, coffee is a very low calorie drink, and is a great substitute for sugary caffeinated beverages like soda. Drinking coffee can be helpful if you are trying to stay away from overprocessed, chemically enhanced beverages.

5. Helps burn fat

Caffeine is a natural substance that is proven to help burn fat tissue. Research has also found that caffeine can aid in increasing your metabolism. Your metabolism is the process in which fatty acids are burned to create energy. Caffeine consumption can actually help tell your body to burn more fat.

Not only that, but studies have shown that people who consume caffeine have an easier time maintaining weight loss. Although drinking coffee cannot completely substitute eating healthy and exercising, it can help to promote the process of burning fat.

6. Decreases risk of heart failure

Believe it or not, drinking coffee can potentially make you live longer by helping to prevent disease. Many people assume that coffee should only be associated with increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, and the overall negative side effects caffeine has on the heart. However, studies show that increased caffeine consumption points to a decreased risk of heart failure and cardiovascular disease. These studies have pointed to a correlation between coffee drinkers and a decreased risk of dying of a  heart attack, heart failure, and stroke.

7. Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are neurodegenerative disorders which can lead to dementia. Dementia is characterized by a loss of memory, motor function and other thinking abilities that severely impair day to day life. Both of these conditions have no known cure, so preventative measures can be especially useful for at risk groups.

Many recent studies have seen a correlation between regular caffeine consumption to a huge decreased risk in developing these disorders.

Consistently drinking coffee can work as a preventative measure for groups that are at risk for developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

8. Lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes

Another positive health benefit of drinking coffee is that it can decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes affects the way the body regulates and uses glucose to fuel activity. This condition results in too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream which has negative effects on the circulatory, nervous, and immune systems.

Coffee contains magnesium and chromium, and this increased magnesium intake has been associated with lowering the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Although coffee should not be the only source of these materials, it is a good addition to your diet.

9. Promotes a healthy liver

Another health benefit to regularly drinking coffee is that it can help promote a healthy liver. Research shows that people who regularly consume coffee are more likely to have healthier liver enzyme levels than people who don’t drink coffee at all.

Furthermore, coffee might be preventative against serious liver conditions. Some common liver conditions can include hepatitis and fatty liver disease. These conditions can often lead to cirrhosis. This is a condition in which large amounts of scarring appear on the liver. Studies have shown that drinking coffee can vastly improve the risk of cirrhosis. People who have already been diagnosed with diseases that can lead to cirrhosis should consider drinking more coffee to prevent further scarring.

10. Lowers your risk of cancer

In some studies, people who drank several cups of coffee per day show a decreased risk of obtaining certain types of cancer such as prostate cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, and some cancers of the mouth and throat.

It has also been found that coffee does not pose any specific cancer risk to consumers. Although there is not overwhelming evidence to suggest coffee will prevent cancer altogether, researchers continue to look into the potential benefits.

Risks and side effects

Unfortunately, the phrase “too much of a good thing” can also be applied to coffee. Despite these amazing benefits that research is uncovering, there are side effects to be wary of if you are a frequent coffee drinker. Excess caffeine will cause you to become jittery by temporarily increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. It may cause you to have trouble falling asleep which will have negative effects on your health and energy levels throughout the day.

Too much caffeine can increase anxiety as well.

Women who are pregnant should be especially careful about their caffeine consumption because caffeine will not only affect them, but their baby as well.

Take Away

Regardless of the temporary effects of caffeine, researchers have found that coffee is not detrimental to health. Coffee should be enjoyed in moderation. Most experts agree that sticking to less than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is a good way to limit your caffeine intake. This would be around three to five cups of coffee per day.

Although you should be aware of how many cups of joe you are enjoying every day, there are plenty of amazing health benefits to coffee.